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  • Sv.Juraj

    • U vremenu od 01. listopada do 31. siječnja






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    “Plavo more” Ltd. Umag Hunting Agency offers a five-days package Balkan chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra Balcanica L. ) hunt in Croatia by next schedule:


    1st DAY: Arrival to the airport Zagreb or Pula and meeting the organizers, transfer of the hunters to the hunting lodge and accommodation in the hunting lodge


    2nd - 4th DAY: The Balkan chamois hunting


    5th DAY: Transfer from the hunting lodge to the airport Zagreb or Pula


    The price for the five - days package hunt is € 3.999,00 per hunter.


    The price includes:

    trophy fee up to 95 CIC points in the best hunting ground

    for Balkan Chamois all over the world

    hunting organization

    three hunting days

    hunting guides for the each hunting day

    daily rate (full pension – meals and drinks as much as you like)

    transfer to the hunting ground

    transfer from the airport to the hunting lodge

    transfer from the hunting lodge to the airport

    the tax-fee for the taking in the rifles into Croatia


    The 20 % of price for the package of the Balkan chamois hunt should be paid in advance, 30 days before the arrival of the hunter to the agency–account Hypo Alpe Adria Bank d.d.: 7001-16039

    The rest of price for full package on the end of hunt.


    The prices not include:

    The pricelist of some extra hunting services:

    - Every CIC point over 95 CIC to 104,99 CIC 100,00 € / per points

    - Every CIC point over 105 CIC to 109,99 CIC 200,00 € / per points

    - Every CIC point over 110 CIC 500,00 € / per points

    - The observing day with a guide (non hunter) 200,00 € / per day

    - Taxidermist (clean and salted skins, boil horns

    and whitewash the skull) and documents for departure 300,00 € / per trophy



    Republika Hrvatska je jedinstven prirodni prostor u kojem je na malom prostoru zastupljena tolika prirodna raznolikost u čudesnom spoju Sredozemlja, Alpa i Panonije. Hrvatska je zemlje bogate lovačke tradicije, atraktivnih lovnih područja i raznolike divljači.

    Hrvatska je jedno od rijetkih mjesta na starom kontinentu, gdje obitavaju sva tri velika europska predatora: medvjed, vuk i ris.

    Lovište Podunavlje-Podravlje je osnovano davne 1697. godine kada je princ Eugen Savojski dobio posjede od cara Leopolda I. Lovište Zelendvor je osnovano 1870. godine kada je grof Marko Bombelles dopremio veću količinu fazanske divljači iz južne Moravske.

2011.   Fotografije su preuzete iz kataloga poduzeća "Hrvatske šume" te sa stranice agencije "J&P agent" u svezi čega izražavamo posebnu zahvalnost.